
Dodge Park Rest Home and The Oasis at Dodge Park Honored
Positive Consumer Ratings Led to Industry-Leading Distinction from Worcester, MA December 3, 2018 — announced today it has selected Dodge Park Rest Home as a "Caring Super Star of 2019” and the Oasis at Dodge Park as a “Caring Star”. Both senior...

Best Senior Living: Caring Stars 2018
America's Top-Rated Senior Living Communities 2018 The Oasis at Dodge Park in its first year has already made the list of Caring Star for 2018. To top it off Dodge Park also made the list for the 6th year in a row, making it a Caring Super Star....

Dodge Park Rest Home and Oasis at Dodge Park Celebrate
Dodge Park Rest Home and Oasis at Dodge Park Celebrate September 15, 2017 – Worcester, MA. – On a sunny, late summer day, close to 400 colleagues, friends, employees, local dignitaries, partners and family members came together to celebrate the 50th Anniversary...
A Haven a Home an Oasis
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How to Recognize Signs it’s Time for Placement in a Specialty Memory Care Facility (Not a Nursing Home)
Signs that Your Loved One May Need Placement Moving a family member into memory care facility is never an easy decision. However, there are some telltale signs that caregivers can look for in order to recognize when it’s time for assisted living: 1. Wandering. In...

PARKINSON’S DISEASE: Ten things you may not know about it
Here are ten things you may not know about Parkinson’s disease: 1. It is a disease that occurs in the middle or late life. Its peak age of onset is in the 60s (range is 36 to 86 years). 2. More than one million individuals are afflicted by Parkinson disease in the...

Wandering and Dementia -Aspects and the Risk of Falling
Wandering, a complex motor, cognitive and behavioral disorder, is a common symptom among patients with dementia. A contemporary definition for wandering is: “A syndrome of dementia-related locomotion behavior having a frequent, repetitive, temporally disordered,...
Art Therapy at Oasis at Dodge Park
Oasis at Dodge Park is Now Open
Celebrate with us! Tour the new Oasis at Dodge Park and get entered to win! We’re giving away: $250 Amazon Gift card, free day at our Adult Day Care, copies of A Practical Guide for Alzheimers and Dementia Caregivers. You must tour the facility to be entered....