Winter Weight Gain Solutions

The average person gains 5-7 pounds during the winter months. High-calorie comfort foods, reduced exercise and being able to hide behind warmer weather clothing all play a part in why most of us see the scale tip on the heavier side. While managing one’s weight is often a difficult task here are some tips to do so:

• Set a regular fitness schedule and stick to it. Even those not concerned with weight gain should recognize that a fit body is a healthy one.
• Participate in some kind of physical activity for at least 3 times each week for at least 30 minutes

Avoid moments of extreme hunger
• Do not skip meals. Eat 3 meals each day and snack appropriately
• Choose high fiber fruits and vegetables to snack on in between meals

Be ready for calorie damage control
• We all have days where our calorie intake is much higher than we would like. Make up for these days by putting it behind you and not letting it become your new meal pattern
• Be sure to continue regular exercise

Be realistic with just how much carbohydrate you are eating
• Learn what proper portions are for carbohydrate foods (For example: ½ cup potato, 1 slice bread, ½ cup cooked pasta or rice, ½ small bagel, or ¾ cup cereal)
• Plan your meals to include just the right number of portions of carbohydrate foods

Limit sugary foods
• Those that consume sugary foods on a regular basis add hundreds of extra calories daily that provide no additional nutritional value
• Avoid sodas and non-nutritional sports drinks
• Read ingredient labels and look for words that mean “sugar”
o High fructose corn syrup
o Corn syrup
o Molasses
o Brown sugar
o Maple syrup
o Sucrose
o Honey
o Sweetener
o Dextrose
o Fruit juice concentrate

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